TAKE SOMETHING / LEAVE SOMETHING, the last show at Heliopolis in June 2015, was the primary theme of the project during it’s five years. The space began on a lucky whim. J Grabowski and Eliza Swann found a cheap storefront in their neighborhood where they would host shows, performances, music, poetry readings, and where Eliza could shoot videos and read Tarot.
Over the years Heliopolis grew to include a group of new curators, most of who had been loyal supporters of the project: Georgia Elrod, Bill Abdale, Sarada Rauch, Baris Gokturk, Leo Goldsmith, Rachael Rakes, Andy Wolf, Allison Merz, Emmy Mikelson, Scott Penkava and Rachel Schmidhofer. The group formed an artist-run coop, which allowed the project to expand and sustain itself financially; while avoiding sponsorship, non-profit status, and above all, formality. The mission of the space emerged: to show the work of established and unestablished artists together and to nurture a dialogue across all disciplines of making.
The Heliopolis Project was located in a 10x12’ storefront on 154 Huron Street Brooklyn, NY 11222. It was a special space founded during the recession, where many people passed through and participated in all manner of forms. The group was welcomed by their Huron Street neighbors and helped shape a community of artists and poets that continues to grow.
The project taught me, that as an artist it is important to give up some of your time to your community… or to seek one out… that art is a dialogue we share / an engagement that brings light to the work, to each other, to ourselves. –JG
Thank you to everyone who made Heliopolis what it was !!!